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Super Junior's Donghae and Girls' Generation's Seohyun will be contributing their talent for charity purposes

On the 6th, the Korean Foundation for International Culture Exchange revealed that "Two singers will be singing the song 'Dreams Come True' for free, the title song for the '2011 Asia Song Festival', co-sponsored by the Foundation, UNICEF and Daegu City, which would be opening at the Daegu Stadium on the coming 15th (of October)."

The song 'Dreams Come True', composed by composer Cho Youngsu, is a song endowed with a cheerful melody, and the digital single will go on sale on the coming 11th (of October).

All the revenue from the digital sales will be contributed as donations to UNICEF to help out the children suffering from famine in South Africa, (including children living in) Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia and Djibouti.

On another hand, Donghae and Seohyun will be appointed as the 'UNICEF envoy' at the Korean Committee for UNICEF's meeting on the coming 11th. The 'UNICEF Envoy' are selected from celebrities, who are actively involved in charitable activities and talent contributions as goodwill ambassadors of UNICEF.

Source: The Aju Business News
Translated by eternalsnow @ SJ-WORLD.NET

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