Artist Boom and Super Junior member Leeteuk held an extravagant MC unvealing ceremony.
On the 3rd of this month, Leeteuk and Boom did their first recording session as MCs for the SBS variety programme Star King. Despite the fact that it was their first time being the MCs for the programme, both of them still managed to complete (the recording of) the programme perfectly with their humour and wit, earning the praises of the staff.
That day, when Leeteuk and Boom took the stage, they've won over the crowd because of their adequate preparation and extravagant performance. Leeteuk and Boom, who appeared on stage during the cheerleading performance, seemed just like one of the members of the cheerleading squad, and the difficult performance did not deter them (from giving their best) at all. When the members of the cheerleading squad hoisted the two MCs into the air, Leeteuk and Boom did not show an ounce of fear, and completed the maneuver perfectly, earning a standing ovation and enthusiastic cheers from the guests who were seated.
Boom, who became much more active (in various programmes) after his discharge from the army, used his unique style to host the programme's progression, and displayed Boom's amazing hosting abilities. Aside from that, Leeteuk, who had been a permanent guest on Star King for the past 5 years, also wowed the crowd with his brilliant performance.
Regarding this, Leeteuk expressed that: "I would bring healthy and cheerful laughter to everyone, I'll try my best to laugh more and speak more." Boom also jokingly said that: "The audiences are the masters of Star King, Leeteuk and Boom will be doing their very best for the sake of the audience, so everyone must tune in to the channel~"
On another hand, Leeteuk also informed the fans that the first Star King recording had ended on the 4th (of October), and expressed his own thoughts (about the recording).
Source: Korea Star Daily
Translated by eternalsnow @ SJ-WORLD.NET

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