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[TRANSCRIPT] KBS Kiss The Radio w/ Leeteuk, Heechul, Eunhyuk – From 110630 & 110701

The handsome guy wearing black, beside Jungmo who plays the guitar is our Kim Hee Chul-nim! Ah~ couldn’t get a front view ah, Close Ur Mouth’s 1st Live was awsome~ They are going out now, but they kept on walking around, comming in and out.
Teuk: Hee Chul-sshi, how do you feel comming to Sukira?
Hee: No doubt Sukira’s camera settings are real good ah~ We can’t have such effects on YS.
Teuk: Why did you come to Sukira all of the sudden?
Hee: Cause it our LeeTeuk-sshi’s birthday tomorrow! (said something but the chinese translator could not catch it)
Teuk: Say something to Sukira’s listeners
Hee: Our Sukira listeners, Hello!, I’m here to see whether our M&D could have another album, it’s a little embrassing, puh
(After Heechul left the broadcast room)
Teuk: Thanks to our Heechul-sshi!
Hyuk: Our Heechul-sshi’s surprise visit~
Teuk: I really got  a shock ah~ Now our Heechul-sshi is walking about.
Jungmo: Keep on turning around.
(Heechul suddenly rushes into the room)
Hee: What what, talking about me? (runs away)
Teuk: Aigoo, our Heechul-sshi is always walking about like that.
(After Nam Changhee and JungMo sang Kim Bumsoo’s Last Love)
Beige: EunHyuk-sshi, your eyes are red, you cried?
Hyuk: No…I’m just a little tired.
(Teuk DJ is showing off the newspaper with the advertistment ELFs put up for him)
Hee: Later after 12am, is LeeTeuk’s birthday, come over and give him a BBANG, later at the hostel he will get a BBANG too! (BBANG means to hit? or smash with cake? something along that line)
Hyuk: When we went to italy for holiday, we planned a schdule already, but it kept on getting cancelled.
Teuk: Yeah, a lot got cancelled~
Hyuk: Actually me and Kyuhyun-sshi already planned and schdueled everything, but LeeTeuk-sshi kept on nagging at the side, non-stop! Going ” Ah~ why is it so tiring ah~” So we kept on cancelling plans.
Teuk: Most importantly is that I took the most photos~
Hyuk: Most intersting is that you said ” Hmm~ even though it’s tiring i’m still very happy~”
Hyuk: 5 minutes later is LeeTeuk-sshi’s birthday already.
Teuk: Thanks~
Hyuk: Congraulations~
Teuk: It’s my last birthday in my 20-s, and after meeting Eunhyuk-sshi in my teens, we’ve been together till now.
Hyuk: Ah…irritating
Teuk: What irritating?!
Hyuk: You are too cheesy…i’m tired of it…aigoo…(jokingly acts disgusted)
Teuk: Hey~ Kiss family, let’s meet again tomorrow, on LeeTeuk’s birthday!

Translated from Korean to Chinese by 凝幻 in Weibo Sina
Translated from Chinese to English by @ampburger of @heechulfacts
Credit: 凝幻 in Weibo Sina

Our hearts are together

EH: It’s the last birthday in your 20s. How do u feel? any difference?
LT: Nothing special~ But the one thing I’m sorry is…Our members weren’t together. Cause each of us started getting so busy…
EH: But Our hearts are always together ^^Credits : @the_Chess

All My Heart

EH: ‘All My Heart’ was played just now, the song Leeteuk-ssi composed.
LT: Yea, I wrote it in my room~
EH: The RAP part in this song is the key point ~ (main part)
LT: Yea, you’re right.
EH: Really?
LT: Yea. During recording I pleased Eunhyuk-ssi to rap his part smoothly. I wasn’t satisfy when Yesung-ssi recorded, but when it was Eunhyuk’s turn, I told him his part is really important, and he did really well~
Eunhyuk thinks All My Heart is one of the best 5 songs of Super Junior

EH: ‘All My Heart’ is one of my best among Super Junior’s songs.
LT: The song reached that ranting? Are you trying to make me happy just because its my birthday?
EH: I will say those tomorrow.
LT: I have wrote a new song this time, it would be great if its included in 5th album
EH: I prefer ‘All My Heart’ better.
LT: Oh really — —;
Leeteuk says he doesn’t want a child

LT: My mum told me “Try having a son like you (Leeteuk), you will then know how tough it is to raise a child!”
EH: True
LT: So I decided not to have any child
EH: Don’t say things like this~
LT: For real, I thought about this yesterday night!
EH: You will find out when the day comes..
Marrying with someone you have dated since school time

LT: Marrying with the one who you have been with since high school or secondary is something romantic, don’t you think so too Eunhyuk?
EH: Yea~ It’d be romantic too if we meet each other again now after long time and get married. Or meet at gathering and say “Ah~ we have been together for 10 years” and married, is also consider romantic~
When Leeteuk and Eunhyuk first knew each other

LT: My first meeting with Eunhyuk was, during Eunhyuk’s secondary 3, and when I was in the second year of high school
EH: No, I was in secondary two that time!
LT: Ah, yea right, time passes so quickly. Next year we will have known each other for… Ah, let’s not think about next year
Age is the traveling speed in life

LT: They say age is the speed in life. So I am now traveling in 29km~
EH: I feel like the time in my life passes faster than any other 20′s, maybe its because of my job as an artist, all the time we have activites, time passes fast like this.
1st day of July is ending…

EH: There’s not much time left until the end of today, how do you feel Leeteuk-ssi?
LT: Received a lot of greetings, feel really thankful.
EH: The last birthday is your 20′s, there’s really nothing special??
LT: Yea, not really anything. The one and only sympathize is, its been long our members haven’t gather all together, we are all having busy schedule individually…
Happy Birthday, Park Jungsu!

LT: There’s really a lot of fans who came today!
EH: Yea, Leeteuk-ssi kept walking in and out the studio today. All he wanted to do is to get closer to the window, and see events than fans prepared.[Open Studio of Sukira, ELF sang Happy Birthday song for Leeteuk]

LT: When broadcast ended I will go out and greet everyone, just sit and wait for me..
EH: Its ending so quickly… such a pity
LT: Pity right?
EH: It feels like there’s not much thing had been done yet…

Korean to Chinese translated by : 凝幻
Chinese to English translated by : ALLRISEUNHAE
Shared by: prom15se to 13elieve on FB

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