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SS3 3D Showcase at Obaida - Tokyo

<Super Junior> - the "long-distance lover" idols came to Japan, and 600 fans are the edge of panic.

Super Junior is a male idol group from Korea, made up of 13 members.

Because they don’t hold the event frequently in Japan, Super Junior are called as "long-distance lover" idols.

On the 5th of July, some of the members: Kyuhun, Ryowook, and Yesung came to “Super Show3 3D Premium event” at Odaiba-Tokyo.

When they appeared, about 600fans were screaming with joy.

And at the event, KRY stepped down from the stage and tried to touch their fans for service, some of fans ran up to them and it nearly messed up around there.

Super Show 3D has started from August 2010. It was held many Asian countries, and this movie filmed the live in Seoul with 3D camera.

The Premium event held 3times in a day, about 1.800 inviters are chosen out of 10 thousand applicants.

At the stage, Ryowook said “I’m glad to meet you”, Kyuhun said “I’m coming to see you” in Japanese. And Yesung said jokily “Do you like me? Call me when you’re home.” in Japanese. And the event have a blast.

Yesung was asked about the memory of the live in Japan, he answered “I met a lot of women who are my type.” for pay a compliment to the fans, and “I’m happy when I find the fan who has my name on banner”
They are given bamboo branches with strips of paper message for Super Junior from fan written on it*.

Super Junior debuted 2005 in Korea, started work in Taiwan in 2006, and Japan in 2007. They work as actor, model, singer, and they perform not only Asian countries, but also Europe and so on. “Bijin” which was released june 8th,marked 2nd at the Oricon chart.

The movie is screened in12 halls in Japan, till 15th July.

*: Because July 7th is The Star Festival. It’s Japanese traditional event. The Star festival is an event originating from a Chinese legend, in which people present their wishes to the stars.

Source: Yahoo!Japan
Translated by @satoko__chan for @YesungCenter only

taken from Yesung Center @ twitter
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