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Shindong's Thai doppelganger on Star King

The doppelganger of Shindong, a member of the group Super Junior, has made an appearance.

On the forthcoming episode of SBS TV's 'Star King' which would be aired on the 16th (of July), a Thai doppelganger, who boasts that he is 100% similar to Shindong, appeared in the 'Search for the Foreigner Hallyu King!' corner. He is the "Thai Shindong" who is carrying out activities in Thailand with the cover group that dances and sings to Super Junior's songs. Bearing similarities even through their outer appearances, they are enjoying popularity locally (in Thailand) equalling that of Super Junior's.

On this, the "Thai Shindong" told his personal role model Shindong that "We followed everything that Super Junior does in the exact same manner. Aside from the choreography, even the outfits are replicated to be worn."

Following that, he also appeased (Shindong) by saying that "If Shindong gains weight I have to gain it as well, (and) if Shindong goes on a diet then I would also have to go on a diet. So I hope that Shindong doesn't go on a diet. It's tough", inciting laughter.

The subject of the "Thai Shindong" can be ascertained on the 16th at 6:30pm.

Source: TVReport (via Nate News)
Translated by eternalsnow @ SJ-WORLD.NET

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