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Kim Heechul and Kim Jungmo form a Project Group

Kim Jungmo from Trax and Kim Heechul from Super Junior have formed a project group called M&D.
M&D is an abbreviation of Midnight and Dawn. It also stands for the towns in which Kim Jungmo and Kim Heechul live, Miari and Dangyedong. Kim Jungmo and Kim Heechul composed all of M&D's songs. It is known that they tried to show a different color from music of Trax and Super Junior and without any genre classification such as rock, trot, dance, ballad, and bosanova.

Kim Heechul wrote the lyrics to their first digital single "What are you looking at" (Close ur Mouth Song) and Kim Jungmo composed and arranged the song and also played the guitar and bass. The song has an old sound and is a genre of disco rock. The two have already announced their project through Mnet UV Syndrome Begins which aired in May and on MBC Golden Fishery Radio Star.

"What are you Looking at" (Close ur Mouth Song) will be revealed on the 22nd at 12AM.

Source: 10Asia
Translated by Minnie @ SUJUISM.BLOGSPOT.COM

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