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It's Yesung's last day on Sukira

Last night is the last night for Yesung being Sukira DJ, filling the position of his groupmate Eunhyuk
who's going to Taiwan for SJ-M new mini album promotion
It's been 4 months we've enjoying DJ YeTeuk speaking on the radio ^^

@shfly3424: Thank you for those times SUKIRA ^^ 

@KBSKISSTHERADIO: How was Super Junior's Kiss The Radio with Yesung DJ on June 20?? By any chance, did our Yesung DJ cry? Yet contrary to all expectations(?) he said his greetings while smiling till the very end~ I'd like to give a big round of applause to Yesung DJ who worked hard for 4 months and tell him thank you for being with us. Yesung DJ, thank you ♥

I'm hoping that he would come to Sukira often....I'm hoping the three of them can DJing together ^^
You did great Yesung-ssi!!!

tweet translate by:pastakyu

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