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Yesung Celebrate his 28th Birthday with ELF

A photo was released of Super Junior members celebrating Yesung’s (Jong Woon) birthday.
On August 24th, Yesung tweeted “This is a memorial photo of celebrating my birthday with the members after filming ended. Thank you everyone“.

He continued, “Because of our fans, my birthday can be this happy“.
In the picture, celebrating with Yesung for his birthday were, Sungmin, Kyuhyun, Shindong, and Eunhyuk. Their mature and masculine appearance in the photo attracted much attention.
Netzens congratulated Yesung with “Happy birthday, Jong Woon oppa!“, “Super Junior is really cool…“, and “Always cheering you on“.
Source: Star News via Nate
Photo: Yesung’s Twitter
Shared on AllKPop

1 comment:

  1. 28 tahun..... tp skrg yesung oppa sdh terlihat sangat dewasa dan matang (buah kali..... hehe)... sy kira dulu yesung sm kyuhyun itu tua kyuhyun...... tp ternyata tua'an yesung 4th.... (masih imut soalnya, ditambah lagi kelakuannya yg bnyk bikin ngakak ....).......
    tp skrg..... yesung oppa sdh menunjukkan usianya yg sbenarnya "dewasa bgt"....... lihat tuh photo... sdh ketahuan lbh tua dr yg lain...
    kalo poto2 sblmnya masih kyk anak remaja......
