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Full Details About SJ Members Got Injured During ‘Let’s go Dream Team’ Recording

Firstly, I want to say that the one who updated twitter last night was just staff who didn’t at the recording venue but got a phone call from friend who was there. The details might slightly inaccurate. So we write the conclusion again to make sure and let everyone understand.
Let’s go Dream Team Season 2, there are 4 challenges
1. Run across the blocks (like a stacks of so many plastic blocks)
2. Roll themselves on many balls
3. Run across on the seesaw
4. Climb the rack which keep turning all the time
5. Take a swing and swing themselves to grab around the plastic sack which is hanged in the middle of the water and then run across the plastic podium to the goal.
The recording started with Sungmin who can passed the first 4 challenges easily. After that they kept recording both teams until Donghae who can passed 3 challenges but he failed at the last one. He only grabbed the bottom of the sack and then he fell down into the water. Donghae stayed in the water for a while when he climbed up, he called the staff. At that time, so many staffs went to see him so we knew that he got injured. Staffs help him moved to the tent near stage. The doctor came to see him. Staff tried to block the view of him from fans so we couldn’t take a photo. Eunhyuk and Sungmin went to see Donghae. Eunhyuk had a long bruised on is arm (I think he got it during practicing). Sungmin brought towel for Donghae who still wet.
After the doctor bandaged Donghae’s wound, he did the acupuncture on Eunhyuk’s arm and sprayed something on his arm to relief painful. After that for a while both of them went back on stage.
he next one who challenged was Yesung. He failed since the first challenge. He fell down into foam. At that time no one knew that he got injured. After that for a while Yesung still not came up, all SJ members (except Donghae) and staffs went to see him for a while then they carried Yesung to the tent. The doctor not allowed Yesung to sit but asked staff to move table into tent to use as bed instead.
The recording was stopped for a while because of Yesung’s injury. The next one who challenged was Leeteuk which did very well. When Leeteuk reached the goal, Sungmin and Eunhyuk ran to said congratulations to him (Shindong was a co-MC). After finished recording Leeteuk ran to see Yesung immediately.
After that the member from another team got injured in the 3rd challenge. The pedal for step dropped down so that member fell down too. The recording had to stop to repair the equipment and take care of the injury.
Donghae was brought to the same tent with Yesung. During he was carried passed the fans we could see blood bleeding from the gauze on his left leg and he couldn’t walk easily. Fans shouted to him “Donghae oppa are you okay?” Donghae smiled nodded and said “I’m okay”. After Donghae went into the tent other SJ members also went to the tent. Everyone’s face looked so serious. The manager kept walking around to see the equipment repairing and the tent.
5 minutes later manager brought Donghae to the resort to changed his cloth (He was wet). When he went down, he also met foreigner fans who asked “Donghae Oppa, Are you OK?” Dongha kept silence for a while then he replied “I’m OK” even though he kept his hand on his waist and dragged his leg (I think he doesn’t want fans to worried).
Donghae went back to the tent which Yesung was cured for a while then he went back to bandaged his wound near the stage. The gauze was taken out. We could see Donghae’s wound easier. There are 3 bruises on his knee. The middle one was the smallest. The others bleeding for 1.5-2.5cm (Not too serious, don’t worry). The doctor went back from treated Yesung and bandaged for Donghae again. During he got bandaged, his face looked so painful but he acted like he’s okay.
After finished the doctor went to see the another team. They also did the acupuncture and sprayed for Sungmin. Yesung was in the tent and got cured for about 45minutes then he went out to continued recording by himself.
All SJ members (Donghae, Yesung, Leeteuk, Sungmin, Shindong and Eunhyuk) continued recording until the end. When Sungmin challenged Donghae shouted “Su..” (I think he’s going to shout Super Junior). Leeteuk hit his head. Donghae shut his mouth and laughed instead while Yesung
embraced around his shoulder at the back.
After the recording ended, manager carried Yesung to the van. Donghae walked for a while then he suddenly hopped by using only his right leg (lift his left leg which got injured up) to the van by himself.
So when the recording was about to end, Donghae and Yesung already felt better. Sungmin and Eunhyuk got minor injured and got acupuncture. Leeteuk and Shindong didn’t get injure.
Source: @DHislet
Translated by: @mook_yeye

*i think the sets is the problem...
they really should fixed the design and calculation of the sets otherwise other participants will get injured

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