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Leeteuk Cheats again on 110m Men Hurdle

On September 13th, Super Junior‘s leader Leeteuk put his variety skills on full display at MBC‘s ‘3rd Idol Star Athletics Championships‘, providing much laughter for viewers and fellow contestants alike.

Because he was disqualified from the same 110m hurdles at the second championships, fans were looking forward to seeing how he’d fare this time.  As soon as the whistle blew, however, Leeteuk skirted to the side and ran the entire race without jumping over any hurdles.
His hilarious act put in 1st place, but “only in time”. He made many burst into laughter when he showed more passion in his interview than the real 1st place winner, ZE:A‘s Dongjun.
Boom said with a laugh, “I’d like to represent all of Boom Academy and apologize for this."

Source + Photos: Newsen via AKP
Shared at by uksujusid


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