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Heechul photo group in the army

The photos of Super Junior member Kim Heechul, who had enlisted on the 1st of September and is receiving training at the army training facility, has once again been revealed.

On the 6th of September, the group photo of Kim Heechul with the other new recruits appeared on an online discussion board. In the photo, although Heechul had cropped his hair short, but he still looked very natural. Holding his fist up, he exuded a manly charm. Aside from that, he also expressed through the army training facility that "Although it feels rather unfamiliar to me right now, but I've heard a lot of stories about the army training life from Kangin, who is also serving in the army", and that "I will definitely do well in the future", expressing his own confidence.

Netizens left comments such as "As expected of the space big star who shines even while receiving training", "He should be able to get along well with the other new recruits during training" and more, showing their fervent responses.

After receiving basic military training which would last for four weeks, Heechul would be serving as a public service personnel for 23 months.

Source: JoongAng Daily via Yahoo Taiwan
Translated by eternalsnow @ SJ-WORLD.NET

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