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-on H I A T U S-


Unforgetable Moment GDA 2009

It's me!!! We’re Super Juni~~~orrrrrrrrr^^

Without support from all the staff and ELF…

We could never smile and standing here like this !!!!!

Though at the stage he keep on crying ….our eunhyukie

Right now he still continue his cry !!

I'm really grateful !! For the fans who always give their supports and writing a new history for us~!!! Until I don't know how to say it anymore ^__^ !!!

And for the ELF out there ! Thank you for your love that you give to us!! ^^ Every night never stop and tired to give vote to support us !!

Thank you, I love you!

I love you 100 times 10,000 times!!

Being a part of SJ is the mos beautiful thing of my life.
If i will be born again, I want to be reunited with all members. And if one day I will be born again, I would like the color blue, and if someday I could be born again, I certainly will remember the name of ELF

I've already fallen in love with you all in whatever form that can not be forgotten! *

I'm in China now!

I came to meet with Chinese ELF!

To all the staffs who believe in us and always ready to give their support every time we are in difficulties
ELF, member, father and our mother ~ ~! I love you all!

For the last, I want to thank my grandmother who is smiling up there.

And also my Dad, my most beloved person in this world

Thank you for giving me life until I can achieve your dreams and hopes

I will work harder in 2010!

Take a good care of your health! I love you!

Credits: Hae's Cyworld

Thanks Excentrique for the shout out and the image
Translated by
reupload: dois@starjunior.wordpress

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