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-on H I A T U S-


ME, SJ & ELF (part I)

Waiting for the time

Arrived at the Impact Arena around 1.30 pm. There's a lot of ELF already, blue sea at Impact Arena.

Sponsors like Yamaha and 12+ making a stand to entertain ELF while waiting for SJ to come.
Around Impact Arena, many people sells SJ's merchandise. eyes just can't stand it, i want it all.
But what can i do, i just have this two arms, small bag, also limited Bath in my wallet =p.

Enough looking around, i go back to the arena corridor, taking pictures with SJ's super big banner..kekekeke

There's also Yamaha Fino "Super Junior" motorbike shown, on the motorbike there's member signature. They make lottery with that motorbike as the prize.

On the 12+ stand, they build small stage for SJ cover performance to perform... really entertaining.
They also play a video of Meet n Greet with SJ on some of 12+ event. It's only a video, but it can make everyone scream as loud as they can as if real SJ were there.

My section is A2, lucky me that my queue line in front of A2 gate is just beside backstage gate. There's some (i think a lot of) ELF standing around the backstage gate, but i decide just to stay at the line since i have standing VIP ticket which means first come first served.

So many times the crowd near backstage gate screams because every time there's a bus gets near, they thought it was SJ...And every time the other ELF hears that scream they'll run away to that backstage gate.
So tiring =p

On 3.49 pm the real SJ come on some vans. It's a really dark window so we can't see the members. But i believe the members inside the vans notice us and know how excited we are ^^

Some minutes after ELF get back to their section's gate i saw there's still 4 ELF calling one of the staff...they pass orange juice to the staff and i think it's for SJ. They ask him to give it to SJ. So thought of the same thing, i'll just pass the gift (13pcs Barong clothes) we prepared to the staff and ask them to give it to SJ.
A man who's given orange juice by the 4 ELF is not around already. But then i saw a girl staff busy talking in handy talky...when i saw her stop talking, i get closer to her and ask her to pass the give to SJ but she said she couldn't, ooohhh...maybe she's the stage staff so she's not sure when will she get to the back stage...also she's busy.

Finally i pass the gift to a backstage staf, he's not Korean staff but he's so kind and polite. I told him that i brought something for SJ and need his help to pass it to them. He said ok, and asked my name. "What's your name, so i can tell them who is this from?"
I just tell him there's a card inside the bag...then he bring it inside.

Time is getting closer to the show time, i'm going back to my line.

4.45 pm, the gate is open. Everyone is checked because no camera is allowed. Before the show start, inside the arena we are entertained by some 12+ and Yamaha Fino CF.
Everyone is heated up... We're ready for the show


Nyampe di Impact arena kira2 jam stg dua, disana udah buanyak ELF, lautan biru di Impact arena.
Sponsor2 seperti Yamaha dan 12+ buka stand buat hiburan ELF selama nungguin SuJu dateng.
Di sekitar Impact arena banyak juga pedagang2 yang jual SuJu’s goodies…whuaaaa…mata jadi manja, pengen semuanya. Tapi apa daya tangan cuma dua, tas muat seadanya, begitu juga dengan bekal di dompet =p.

Puas muter2in penjual, aq balik ke koridor arena, foto2 ma SuJu…hehehehe

Ada pula motor Yamaha mio Fino “Super Junior” yang dipajang, nich motor lengkap ma tanda tangan members, n kayanya ada undian buat dapetin motor ini…

Beda lagi standnya 12+, mereka buat panggung kecil buat performance para SuJu wanna be….lumayan seru. Mereka juga muterin rekaman waktu ada meet and greet SuJu waktu promo 12+. Hanya sekedar rekaman tapi berhasil buat heboh n suara teriakan ELF menggema di seluruh koridor.

ELF thai emang keren2 yak…hiburan buat ELF bukan cuma stand2 sponsor, ELF thai pada lomba2 nunjukin banner mereka yang rata2 gueeeeeddeeeee. Mulai dari dipegang rame2, dikibarin, sampe ditempel di dinding arena….mupeng…pengen punya banner ky gitu *.*

Berhubung hari dah makin sore, foto2 ma manekin SuJu udah puas, goodies juga dh dpt, so aq mutusin buat nyuekin aja acara di stand 12+ (*yg sebenernya bikin jealous aja, karena tayangannya tentang lucky gals yg ada disana, banyak adegan flirting n hug)

Arena aq A2, beruntungnya pintu masuknya persis disebelah pintu keluar masuk SuJu …(*pantes aja ELF penuh ngerumun disitu…) Tp dari pada mantengin pintu kelur masuk SuJu, kita2 pada milih untuk ngantri di depan gate aja, secara standing arena so sapa cepat dia yang dapet best spot. Mereka2 yang nungguin pintu keluar-masuk SuJu mungkin ELF yang dapet kelas festival, duduk di tribun, so kalo beruntung mereka bisa liat SuJu lebih dekat walopun diluar panggung. Beberapa kali mereka teriak histeris waktu ada bus dateng, mpe ELF yang dari gate mana2 ikut lari2an buat liat SuJu..tapi ternyata mereka tertipu….SuJu dategnya g pake bus, tapi pakai beberapa van.

Jam 3.49pm members beneran dateng, ketauan dari rolling door arena yang diangkat…sontak duonk ELF pada heboh. Walopun penasaran, tapi klo aq teuteup milih ngantri aja…demi best spot ^^v. Lagian ELF yg pada nunggu n liat mereka dateng, pada kurang beruntung, secara kaca van’nya super duper gelaaaap (*tapi aq yakin, members di dalem van ntu bisa ngerasain gimana antusiasnya ELF)

Members and crew dah masuk smua, ELF langsung bubar menuju gate masing2. Beberapa menit setelah area pintu masuk SuJu sepi, aq liat ada kira2 4 cewe yang manggil satu crew yang lagi ngambil SuJu’s stuff dr van…mereka ngasiin orange juice, dititip ke crew ntu buat SuJu. Aq juga mikir yang sama, untuk nitip baju barong yang udah kita prepare lewat crew, tapi crew’nya keburu pergi.

G lama setelah ntu, ada stage crew yang stand by diluar, calling2n pake walky talky, ngerasa ini kesempatan, aq nyamperin dia deh, langsung bilang mo nitip goodies buat SuJu (* kynya niy crew asli dari korea juga), tp karena dia stage crew (*looks like koordinatornya) dia g bisa ngambil goodies ntu..sibuk bo’ bolak-balik. Yach….hilang lagi deh kesempatannya.
Tapi yach…sekali lagi, untung gate aq deket ma pintu keluar masuk SuJu n crew, aq nemu crew lain buat sasaran penitipan. Dia kelihatan lagi arrange sesuatu ma orang lain, g mo ganggu, aq tunggu mereka mpe selese ngobrol, baru deh aq samperin.
Aq langsung nembak “kmu staff khan? Bener2 minta tolong, nich barang buat SuJu, tolong sampein yach, jauh2 dari Indonesia lho, pleaseeeeee”, tanpa ngasi dia kesempatan ngobrol aq nyerocos aja terus…(*g mo kehilangan kesempatan), padahal beberapa kali dia pengen ngomong sesuatu yang aq takut itu penolankan lagi, g taunya…dari tadi tuch dia pengen tanya nama aq sapa biar disampein ma members, tapi karena groginya n buru2nya (*gate dah mo dibuka) aq g kasi tau nama, cuma bilang klo didalem tas ntu ada card’nya. Aiiihh…si mas baik deh. Tp intinya, pokonya goodies sudah disampein….legaaaa.

4.45pm gate dibuka, tiap orang2 diperiksa satu2, sorting kali2 aja ada yang nyelinepin camera (*padahal ntu aq n berhasil =p). sambil nunggu show mulai, kita disuguhin iklan2 yang dibintangin SuJu…Gilaaa, iklan aja bisa bikin heboh kaya gitu. Apalagi waktu iklannya 12+, cewe2 pada jeaolous kemana2, secara bintang iklannya cewe2 and pada nempel2 sama SuJu, malah jadi idolanya SuJu. Mpe ada ELF thai yang ngumpat and ngejek tuch cewe (ooopsss)….

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