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-on H I A T U S-


ME, SJ & ELF (part II)

The show starts

True Music stage is really~~~ cool and so~~~ big. There's main stage, additional stage surround the arena and additional stage crossing in the middle of the arena. But the tunnel stage concept really makes me dizzy, members are appear and disappear just like that, don't know where to see >,<.

6.20 pm lights suddenly off, and everybody knows, the show is start. We are really curious, the members appear one by one from different places. Cos the arena is so~~~ big, i can't see all members, i just recognize Kyuhyun who's appear in the middle of audience in the section in front of me (*i'm jealous of those audience) and Hangeng who's appear on the stage in front of me ^^. Then A Man In Love intro was heard.

My first impression when i see them which is just 1 m away from me is "whoaaaa...their skin is so white, like porcelain, really, even the most beautiful girl i've ever seen is nothing compare to them.
This time is my first time seeing the in person and i'm really impressed.

My other thought about the show is: just like watching the fancam, coz what they perform, what they do is just the same like what they did in the other country (a bit disappointed about this), the different with the fancam is: this is not from cam, this is real. 
Hyuk...i love his bright red new hair.Hmm...Siwon cut his hair, not long anymore like in the drama Oh My Lady. And Sungmin, i guess he's fatter...i can see his big tight =p

After singing 2-3 songs (don't really remember), members start to introduce their selves. Most of them look awkward during the introduction...only Hae and Geng wants to walk until the front of the main stage; and Hyuk and Shindong walk forward until the middle stage (in front of me >.<).

After introduction then it comes solo performance from Sungmin, Donghae, Yesung, Ryeowook, Kyuhyun, Leeteuk, Heechul, Siwon, Hangeng. Hyuk and Shindong only featuring on some of the solo performance as rapper. The show continue with performance from the sub groups: SJ KRY, SJ T, SJ H, then SJ-M (complete including Henry and Zhoumi).

Yeah, everybody know at the end of Leeteuk solo performance he pretend to kiss the dancer, and just like what happened in other country, ELFs are heated up =p.

I love every single performance, and i love it when Heechul looked into my camera while playing with his hand during Gee. 

And we know SJ is a bright happy funny group. During the show there's so many things to be laughed at: Teuk's shirt was ripped by the dongsaengs, all dongsaengs attack Leeteuk (*poor he's alone), they are also piggyback-ing, showing sweet scene, stripped scene =p, flirting to each other, ect...full of fan service ^^. They also don't hesitate to wear any attribute that ELF throw to the stage. So every time the camera shoot the member while wearing that attribute, the scream is just get louder and louder.

Language barrier is really a problem, so they don't talk to much to the audience, they just showing a performance, gestures, and others to entertain us. They just talk through VCR which is already subbed into Thai.

The show is around 3 hours. But the famous song which all ELF has been waiting for, "Marry U" and So I is not sung on this second day of show. There's also no encore. After the members say goodbye, we're hoping they would come back for encore, so we keep singing Marry U. But the show is really end, they don't come back to the stage

Hmmm, that night I was pleased to see a really spiritful, cheerful Teuk, he seemed to have fun.  
N there is a thing that makes me love him more, Chulie .... i think he's the one who interact with the audience the most, he cares about us so much and know how to make us happy.
And the most touching performance is when they sang Shining Star, Leetuk cried.


Panggungnya True Music ini emang keren n gueeeede, panggungnya ada main stage ditambah stage bentuk kotak dgn bentuk plus ditengahnya, hampir menjangkau semua arena. (* tapi, tunnel concept’nya rada bikin pusing. Members bisa tiba2 ngilang n tiba2 muncul entah dimana. Pantes aja SM keukeuh minta Adrie buat tunnel stage klo pengen SuJu manggung di Indo, konsep performance’nya emang seperti itu, memanjakan seluruh penjuru arena).

Jam 6.20 lampu tiba2 dimatiin, sadar duonk…..the show starts. kita2 dibuat penasaran, members munculnya dari tempat2 yang beda2, jaraknya jauh2, n masing disorot lampu satu persatu…karena besarnya ntu panggung, aq cuma bisa ngenalin Kyuhyun yang muncul di antara penonton di tribun (*jealous…tiket tribun dapet bonus special), n Hangeng yang muncul di panggung tengah…setelah itu, mulailah A Man In Love.

Kesan pertama waktu liat mereka yang cuma berjarak 1m dr aq (*akhirnya dapet best spot, persis setelah pagar batas) “gillaaaaaa,,,putih banget yak, kaya porcelain, sumpah dah, cewe cakep yg aq pernah liat aja kalah.”
Selain itu yang aq rasain, sama seperti nonton fancam2 sebelumnya, cuma yang ini layarnya ekstra gede mpe ukuran pemainnya 100% zoom in. kenapa gitu? Karena penampilan mereka sama persis seperti show2 dikota lain (*rada kecewa ttg ini). Yang paling aq suka, penampilannya Hyuk!!! Sama sekali beda dengan bright red hair’nya, dandanan’nya juga red look gitu. Siwon juga udah mangkas rambutnya, lebih keren ky yg sekarang drpd gondrong. N satu lagi, Sungmin lebih gemuk dari sebelumnya, bohai bo’…
Aq sibuk buat dokumentasi pake camera yang berhasil ku bawa masuk, tapi setelah beberapa menit, security sadar ada yang pake kamera, ketahuan deh. Karena ntu security g bisa bahasa Inggris n g bisa marahin aq, so dia pergi (*aq pikir urusan bener2 selesai), eh..g tauya balik lagi bawa bodyguard yang jauh lebih besar n bisa bahasa inggris buat hakimin aq. g tau dapet keberanian dari mana, aq keukeuh bilang g pake kamera n nunjukkin hp aq aja, aq bilang aq pake hp. Akhirnya dia mo ngelepasin aq, tp dengan peringatan, pakai hp boleh, tp tidak untuk kamera (*padahal apa bedanya, justru banyak hp sekarang yg resolusinya lebih bagus dr kamera digital), security disitu ngawasin aq terus, klo ketauan pakai lagi, kamera disita…(*kapok, so sorry klo sebagain besar dokumentasi resolusinya krg bagus).

Setelah nyanyin 2 ato 3 lagu, baru SuJu masuk ke sesi perkenalan…mereka pada malu2 kenalannya, cuma Hae n Geng yang rada maju dari main stage, n Hyuk n Shindong yang berani maju mpe middle stage (*depan aq, puaassss ^^). Kelar kenalan masuk ke sesi solo performance, urutannya Sungmin, Donghae, Yesung, Ryeowook, Kyuhyun, Leeteuk, Heechul, Siwon, Hangeng (*hmmm, ada kesan lain, ternyata suara Geng klo solo g terlalu bagus, ky cewe..sorry). Hyuk n Dong-dong cuma bantu2 ngerap dibeberapa solo performance members.

Abis solo performance baru deh giliran sub group beraksi, sesuai umurnya, yang paling tua yang lebih dulu beraksi, SuJu KRY tampil pertama, setelah itu SuJu T, Suju H, n terakhir SuJu M (*komlplit dengan Zhoumi n Hendry).

Yeah, semua orang tahu...di akhir solo performance Leeteuk pura-pura kiss dancernya. n seperti yang terjadi di negara lain juga, ELF di sini pada panaaasss =p
Aq suka semua performancenya, terutama waktu Heechul liat ke arah kamera ku sambil gerak2in tangan gitu, waktu nyanyiin Gee.
Yach…yang namanya SuJu, ada aja ulah mereka yang lucu n bikin ELF heboh, spt Teuk yang bajunya disobek Siwon trus dikeroyok dongsaeng2nya, adegan gendong2an, adegan manja2an, adegan flirting2, adegan buka baju, mereka juga sering makai atribut2 yang ELF lempar ke stage, so begitu kamera-man nyorot, ELF terutama yg punya ntu atribut jadi heboh. Buayaaaaak moment…sepanjang show kita puas liatnya. Kendala bahasa emang jadi masalah, so mereka lebih sering manjain mata daripada komunikasi sama ELF. Komunikasi lebih sering lewat video message yang diputer disela2 show, waktu members ganti kostum (*g sempat ngerekam semua video message/ CRV)
Kira2 show’nya 3 jam, tp lagu pamungkas di Thai yang ditunggu2 ELF Thai, d hari kedua g dinyanyiin (Marry U n So I). sampai members selesai say bye pun, ELF tetep ngarep mereka balik n encore pakai Marry U n So I, makanya ELF terus nyanyain lagu2 itu setelah members say bye, tapi ternyata show bener2 dah kelar, SuJu g balik2 lagi ke panggung…

* Hmmm, malem itu aq seneng banget liat Teuk yang semangat banget, ceria, kynya dia have fun banget. N ada lagi yang bikin aq tambah suka, Chulie….aq ngerasa, malem itu dia yang paing perhatian ma ELF n intens interaksi sama ELF

Yang bikin terharu tuh waktu lagu Shining Star, Teuk mpe nangis disini, pa emang karena suasana lagunya juga siy, bikin kita keinget ma orang special yang jadi “shining star” qt…aq juga touched pas lagu ini…

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