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Ryeowook's first musical "Temptation of Wolves"

Super Junior member Ryeowook will be taking on the challenge of appearing in his first musical since his debut.

He has been cast in an acting role in the musical “Temptation of Wolves”, which will be opening this coming July 12th at the Seoul COEX Artium Hyundai Art Hall.

“Temptation of Wolves” is a jukebox musical that merges popular "Korean wave" idol group music with Gui Yeoni’s original novel that expresses teenagers’ love and worries, conflicts and hopes.

A film of the same name, starring Kang Dongwon and Cho Hanseon, which also was based on the novel, was a box office hit.

Ryeowook will be playing the role that Kang Dongwon played in the film version of the movie, the main character “Jeong Taeseong”. He will be showing the audience a different side of his talents and charm.

Ryeowook’s entertainment company SM Entertainment has said: “Ryeowook has become known through his Super Junior activities for having a charming tone and an outstanding singing voice”, and “In the future, Ryeowook will show more of this new transformation in films.”

As he’s gained huge popularity due to his activities in Super Junior, and through his subsequent work in Super Junior KRY and Super Junior M, Ryeowook’s first musical will certainly be gathering attention from not only Korea, but also of course all his Asian fans.

Original source: Nate
Translated by: Jubee at

"Musical revival of film 'Temptation of Wolves'"

It has been decided that a musical based on the 2004 hit film “Temptation of Wolves” (directed by Kim Taekyun, based on the original story by Gui Yeoni), which was seen by over 2 million people, will open this coming July the 12th at the private theatre COEX Artium Hyundai Art Hall.

Production company PMC Productions has said “Out of all the options available to us through which to make a jukebox musical with hit ‘Korean wave’ songs, we’ve chosen this story. It has proven to be popular both as a novel and as a film, and we’ve chosen it because we feel the story is suitable to be told through singing and dance.”

Therefore the most critical part is the songs through which the story is conveyed. The songs will range from songs by the first generation of idol groups from the 90’s (H.O.T, S.E.S, G.O.D, etc) to more recent songs from Korean wave groups such as Dongbangshinki, Kara, and Girls’ Generation. PMC Productions has said “The main characters have grown up during this time, so we’re paying particular attention to how these teenagers express their worries, conflicts, love and hope through these songs.”

Also, they’ve stated that the reason they have chosen to use hit Korean wave songs instead of an original score is that they’re hoping to sell the musical in the Asian market. From next year on, they plan to open shows in other major Asian cities.

This musical revival of the “Temptation of Wolves” story will be directed by choreographer-cum-director Oh Jaeik, with composer and active consultant for MBC’s nightly show “I’m a singer” Jang Soyeong working as music director.

The music will be performed from July 12th to October 3rd at the COEX Artium Hyundai Art Hall, tickets going on sale in the first week of June.

Original source:
Translated by: Jubee at 


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