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[Fan Account] Hyukkie Leaving Paris 130909


Just got back from the airport!

Eunhyuk left for Korea (flight was at 1:30pm) Looks like he had a lot of fun here but is happy to go back home.
He arrived at around 12:15pm at the airport.. while most fans had been waiting since 10am. Haha. I guess he was smart enough not to come too early because he knew people would be waiting He had a beanie and a mask, but still he looked cute and like many who saw him said before, he IS skinny in real life.

Umm I don't know if there were really 100 fans, I would have said around 50 but it was quite crowded indeed. I think the airport staff got a bit annoyed and random tourists were like "what's happening here". They were rather amused, and took pictures of fans/Eunhyuk as well!

Fanaccount 2]

09.09.13 Mini Fan Account : Angel Hyuki Leaving Paris

Eunhyuk From Super Junior, left Paris Today at something like 1:30pm.

He was smiling and looked at fans with suprised eyes cause we were a lot compared to when he arrived ! He took the train to come to the airport he sure know about public transport in paris
French fans were About 80 maybe 100. That was amazing ! There was even something like 10 Chinese Fans.
This time people were more excited ! Some of the fans sang SuJu's songs when He heard us singing he looked and bowed.
It was very funny cause people were all looking at us ! Some even asked us who was the boy that we were cheering for and we were happy to explain to them that he was part of one of the best group in Asia. Some of the people who were asking us questions even started to take picture of Eunhyuk. Even the airport staff came and asked about him. One of my friends and I told them maybe they should call security staff cause we were a lot. They said they will let him pass theembarquement gates without maing him wait and that they look after him. The staff even smiled when we told them that they had to protect him but that they did not have to look after the fans haha !
Before Eunhyuk went to the passengers room it became a flocked (I was a little worried about that...) cause everyone wanted to give him letters and presents. He took a lot of letters and was very polite with everyone. He is such an ANGEL~
Eunhyuk looked so cool and cute~
When he left everybody started to talk happily and we exchanged mail address with the chinese fans and with some french fans that we meet there !! That was really a good day !!

Credits : laisue@soompi

Fanaccount3] bibine26@soompi

today I have been to tha airport and I can see that they were really a lot of fan compared to when he came especially if we consider that a lot of the people that were there when he came from korea wasn't there today.

I was really happy to see him, me and my friends were waiting at outing of the embarquement.
When he send his lugage (only one small bag, did he really bought nothing?), he came to us and I have been to him and handed the present that we prepared the day before, he took it and bow his head, if he talk I didn't heard him (too much yell and he had a mask so it was a little difficult).
When he was walking, there were a lot of fan surrounding him, his hands were full of present but all the fans were asking him for signature, they were handing him picture and pen.
Then I saw that he was going in the wrong direction (he was exactly in front of the check post but he did turn around), I have been to him (I crossed all the people) and I told him that it wasn't this way and that he'd have to go the other way (I did it with my poor korean and he did understand me, I was so happy to talked to him, probably the first and the last time of my life).
After that he did bow again and have been to the check point.
Hope he will arrive well and get a lot of rest in the plane.

Credit: baidu

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