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-on H I A T U S-


@sukira, talk about their impression about others

Shindong says
that the first person he saw from the group (since he joined them only a year before they debuted)
was EunHyuk and his thought was .."why is such an old looking person wearing a batman shirt?"
lol..and that EunHyuk was the ugliest one so how come he was in the group? (aww!) But he then goes on to say that
EunHyuk is actually a boolmae meaning a person who the more you look at, the more you're attracted to

Then Sungmin talks

about how he was scared of Teukkie the first time he saw him because he
kept staring at him while he was singing. Then Minnie mentioned about seeing Hyuk
dancing & popping really well and being amazed by him but
then EunHyuk interrupts
saying that Sungmin looked like he was smirking while watching him
dance so he went up and asked him if he was good at dancing..(lol boys!)

Then Teukkie says

that the first time Kangin saw him he thought
that Teukie was the son of a very rich family because
he wore "hip-hop" clothes and had a double cut!(???)

Donghae then talks

about meeting Teukie. He says that when he first saw him, he looked scary but at the same time he was always
surrounded by lots of people and Teukkie was always telling the most impossible madeup stories that made people
always listen to him so Hae thought that he should become close to Teukkie so that he can make more friends.

Then Teukkie interrupts

saying that he also got a good impression from Hae because whenever they ate and stuff,
Hae always stayed back to clean up and so Teuk saw him and told him to call his friends
so that they can clean together but Hae said that his dad told him that he should always be
the one to help at such times. So Teukkie was really touched and they got close.
(nice one Teukie.. asking the poor kid to call his friends to clean up.... couldn't you just help!? AISH!!! *slap*slap*slap*)

EunHyuk interrupts

at this point to ask Hae why he doesn't clean these days and Hae laughs
saying that now he has dongsaengs to do that..haha

Then Hae talks

about how him, Hyuk, Junsu, Yunho and Sungmin always
practised together and that since they were all born in the same year,
they thought they'd become a team like the next H.O.T!
and Sungmin brought up one of those ghost stories that traumatized him at the time.

credits DbskSujuSnsd on YT

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