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[Fan Account] Super Show 2 Shanghai

Shanghai Super Show!! Finally what i have been waiting for is come

I am Donghae's fan, but i don't know why, along the show i can't take my eyes off of Leeteuk

During 3 hours show, there's only 4 smiles. He smile, me and my friend count it one by one. Two of is is unnatural, he forced himself to smile.

It's so sad when all other member singing happily and running around while he just walking

I seat in the front row, that's why i can see everything clearly...
3rd (I don't think it's a smile)


When they play the VCR, SJ's journey along 4th year from debut. I feel's already 4 year..but this years...feels like something has missing. Even though there are many awards were received, but why they still not complete, the 13 of them...?

When we realize there's only 10 person on the stage we asked why? Why? Where's the other? Not long after...
another one person joining. But we still hoping there's another one person so it's become 12, that's why we keep counting.

But..Kangin will never show up...

I thought i will be happy seeing the on the stage...

I've been waiting for this day for so long....

But my feeling now is so far from happiness

From Shining Star until Carnival.. that happy song even makes me shed tears when i see them forced themselves to look happy with unnatural smiles.

Gezzz...actually they don't have to do to that smile it's better to see them's so much better

I miss Kibum...

I miss Kangin...

I miss the days when 13 guys were on stage together
The Tears
Pict credit as tagged


SuperShow !! Shanghai yang selalu kutunggu – tunggu akhirnya tiba malam itu….

Aku adalah fans Donghae, tapi entah kenapa malam itu, sepangjang pertunjukkan berlangsung, mataku tak bisa lepas dari sosok Leeteuk

Selama 3 jam, hanya ada 4 senyuman. Dia tersenyum, aku dan temanku menghitungnya sekali. 2 diantaranya, ia memaksakan diri untuk tersenyum.

Sedih saat melihat member yang lain berlarian kesana kemari, sedangkan d ia….. hanya berjalan ….

Aku duduk di baris terdepan, karenanya aku melihat semuanya dengan jelas…

Saat VCR diputar, perjalanan mereka selama 4 tahun. Hatiku sakit…. 4 tahun sudah..tapi tahun ini….terasa ada yang hilang. Meski puluhan award berhasil diraih sepanjang tahun, tapi 13 dari mereka masih juga belum lengkap ?

Saat kami menyadri ada 10 orang dipanggung itu, kami semua berteriak “ Mengapa ?..Mengapa ?? Mana yang lain ? …dan tak lama, seorang muncul dan menjadi 11 orang. Namun kami berharap ada seorang lagi yang akan muncul, karena itulah kami terus menghitung ulang.

Tapi Kangin tidak akan pernah muncul…..

Kukira aku akan bahagia saat melihat mereka berdiri diatas panggung..

Hari ini telah lama kunantikan..

Tapi perasaanku sekarang jauh dari bahagia…

Dari Shining Star hingga Carnival ..lagu ceria itu malah bikin airmataku menetes saat mereka berusaha menutui kesedihan mereka dengan senyum yang dipaksakan.

Gezzz…seharusnya mereka tidak perlu seperti itu….dibanding melihat senyum seperti itu..lebih baik menangis sekalian..itu jauh lebih baik…

I Miss Kibum..

I Miss Kangin…

I miss the days when 13 guys were on stage together

Su-show Shanghai luar biasa namun membuat “kecewa”. Bukan dalam hal performance melainkan suasana yang terbangun mirip perpisahan akhir sekolah TT__TT….mencari fan account-nya agak sulit dan Cuma ini yang didapat….dan bikin nangis ^__^…beda banget sama Su-Show Korea…….

credit: Sj-world, Fanacct by 龍靈伊伊@baidu

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