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-on H I A T U S-


Ryeowook Profile

Real Name: Kim Ryeo Wook
Nickname: Ryeowook, Wookie, Eternal Magnae (Eternal Youngest)
Hometown: Incheon
Date of Birth: 21st June 1987
Height: 173 cm
Weight: 58 kg
Blood Type: O
Vocal: Tenor
Instrument: Piano, Keyboard
Religion: Christian
Sibling: -
College: Inha University
Favorite Color: Purple
Training: 2 months
1. Love to take care of the members and cook for them at the dorm
2. When he was at elementary school he's so chubby
3. If he was a girl, he would like to marry Donghae
4. Love to compose a song
5. Once he came to one of SJ member's radio program as guest, he made up himself pretty well (hoping the audience will see it), but when the radio aired he just keep quite, it's because that day the radio is not viewable 
* you can write down everything you know about Ryeowook on comment ^^


Nama Asli: Kim Ryeo Wook
Panggilan: Ryeowook, Wookie, Eternal Magnae (Bungsu Abadi)
Asal: Incheon
Tanggal Lahir: 21 Juni 1987
Tinggi: 173 cm
Berat: 58 kg
Golongan Darah: O
Vokal: Tenor
Alat Musik: Piano, Keyboard
Agama: Kristen
Saudara: -
Kampus: Inha University
Warna Fave: Ungu
Training: 2 bulan
1. Suka merawat member yang lain dan memasak untuk mereka di dorm
2. Saat masih SH dia gemuk sekali
3. Jika dia perempuan dia ingin menikah dengan Donghae
4. Suka menciptakan lagu
5. Suatu saat dia menjadi tamu di salah satu program radio member SJ, dia berdandan dan berpenampilan super keren, tapi sepanjang acara dia hanya diam saja karena menyadari hari itu siaran radionya tidak dapat ditonton seperti biasa
* silahkan menambahkan apa yang kalian tahu tentang Ryeowook di comment ^^

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