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-on H I A T U S-


6th Anniversary Celebration

“2005/11/6-2011/11/6, six years. I thank my members, who taught me what happiness, joy, tears and friendship are, our staff and our lovable and precious E.L.F.s! We’ll be together until the day we die! I look up to you and I love you.”

Super Junior's debut six years... A companion ELF, Lovely Super Junior member, Everyone... Thank you.

“We’ve been walking together for six years already. I thank you so much and I hope we can walk together and laugh in the long times to come. I thank you again and I love you! Let’s celebrate our 6th anniversary!”

Six-year !!!!!!! Just so it goes on time, the evil writer writing using his time getting up, we have made time, now it's time to start again! Suju Let's Go!!
We're Super Junior~~~~~~~~!!! It's sixth anniversary!! Love and more love and more love and cherish cherish and more cherish! Thank ELF I U

It's Super Junior six years debut. Many love from everyone during this 6 years~ Thank you so much everyone~ The members, i also want to thank each and everyone of you >< really, really love you ~ ♥ Ryeowook

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