Note: Okay, before I start, will just have to warn you that this is slightly Leeteuk-biased ^^" And my memory is failing me because I spazzed too hard in the concert, and was trying hard to follow the boys around~
Although the concert was supposed to start at 7pm (local time), it didn't until 8pm. And these evil people kept on teasing us with advertisements, making all the E.L.F.s in the stadium scream whenever the official promo clip came up, with the boys in it. 3.gif
I died instantly when they came out for A Man In Love, because Leeteuk appeared RIGHT IN FRONT of me~ Only one thing remained in my mind - he is fahsdkjhasgjdghasdhgsahd hot!! And then I turned around to see Sungmin and Heechul appearing as well <3 Ryeowook and Shindong were spotted with new hairdos (doesn't mean that they cut their hair though!) Me likey :D Of course, I couldn't make up my mind on who to watch, because the boys were all around me *___*
And oh - AMIL was full of fireworks~
U also started off with fireworks~ Could only see the boys through the projection screen confused.gif
It's You - Eunhyuk revealed his biceps (*insert fangirl screams here*) during the "Oh oh only 4 u" part. And dammit, they took off their jackets at the end 8DD
During She Wants It, Teukkie came out with a black umbrella. Needless to say, everyone screamed their heads off~~ Ryeowook was being incredibly sexy during the performance too ;) And Sungmin was also in an incredibly sexy pose. I died so hard~
Then came the intro session. Heechul was first, and the whole stadium was shouting "Milky White Skin Kim Heechul~ Saranghaeyo Kim Heechul~"... Siwon took up his shirt a little and revealed his chocolate abs 8D Kyuhyun was being... Kyuhyun XD And Yesung did a spazzy dance, I think. Was too busy taking photos of them :D Sungmin did some martial arts moves during his intro~ Eunhyuk took off his shirt~ Shindong was being incredibly cute *__* And Teukkie did his ssanti dance XD
Next up was Angela. EunSiHae in wife-beaters = WIN. And Siwon kissed Donghae on the cheek, while Eunhyuk was trying to separate them from behind XD .And then Siwon and Donghae suddenly stuffed their mics in Eunhyuk's face XD
I don't remember what song it was (most probably Miracle/Disco Drive), where someone held Leeteuk (and another boy's... I forgot, sorry! ;A;) by his feet, and Leeteuk walked across the stage using his hands XD
During Dancing Out, the boys gathered in the centre of the stage and sat there, and Eunhyuk started dancing a very weird (but cute!) butt dance~ They also gathered in front of the videocam and started singing to it, earning screams from all the fans around~ Heechul was seen whispering something to Siwon, then they strutted across the stage hand-in-hand. 3.gif EunHae were being abusive on stage, slapping each other and all. Donghae also pulled up Siwon's shirt + pulled his pants down, revealing his underwear (which is green with yellow stripes, if you must know!)
*will skip all the solos here + What If~ please refer to the photos!*
During Heartquake, I think there was a problem with Eunhyuk's platform, because it didn't come up during one of his rapping parts =/ And Kyu forgot some of his lines ^^"
At the start of Leeteuk's solo, he threw his fedora at the fans in Rock Pitt B. Needless to say, the fans screamed their heads off when he (seemingly) kissed the dancer at the end of the performance... (who wouldn't?) Everyone screamed when Henry appeared for Heechul's solo. And Heechul very VERY nearly gave Henry a kiss. *_* And oh, Heechul took off his jacket as well 3.gif
Most of us died again during the Super Attack VCR, especially since the boys were drenched in the rain. Henry was welcomed warmly by the fans during his violin solo bridge in Don't Don, and had a smile on his face ^^
During Our Love, Sungmin was taking photos of the members with his camera/phone. When Kyuhyun's part came up, Shindong pushed him aside and hijacked his part XD bbKyu was then seen hugging Siwon <3 Eunhyuk and Shindong were spazzing a lot on the stage, doing very random dances. And Teukkie joined the fans in chanting "Saranghaeyo Park Jungsoo", then laughed :P Oh yes, Eunhyuk(?) kept on bullying Yesung on the stage as well ^^" Yesung would be singing his line, then his head would suddenly turn to his left to glare at the culprit. :P
Story-telling time - Shindong came out crawling like a baby ^^ And there were a lot of very abusive scenes :D Ryeowook was seen dancing to Kara's Mister at the side, and some of the boys danced to Abracadabra as well. Heechul kicked Donghae, then acted as though he was shooting Shindong with a machine gun at the end D: We also got to watch Henry bb's solo! He was awesome 8D
During Who Am I, the other members joined Siwon on the stage at the end~ And the fans were screaming so loudly during SJM's performances, especially when it was Zhou Mi and Henry's turn to sing.
Shining Star~ We turned off our blue lightsticks and turned on the white torches instead. It really looked like stars in the sky - and I'm 100% sure Leeteuk cried during the performance. I loved their expressions at the start of the song, when the torches were turned on - O_O would describe it appropriately. Eunhyuk was spinning around in his chair, surveying the entire stadium.
During Rokkuko, Leeteuk lied on his stomach at the centre of the stage, and Sungmin joined him later. Eunhyuk then appeared and sat on top of the both of them, whom is then joined by Shindong. XD
And during Sapphire Blue/Carnival (I can't quite remember ^^") Wonder Boy, the boys came out with waterguns. My area was attacked by Siwon, Heechul, Yesung, Kyuhyun and Donghae. Kyuhyun and Donghae were whispering behind one of the security guards, and then attacked him with their water guns XD Out of the three times Kyuhyun walked past that area, he never failed to attack the poor guard. But of course, he apologised at the end :D evilmagnae!Kyu ftw~
Before the concert ended, Leeteuk (?) lead us in chanting "4jib DAEBAK", and also gave a shoutout to the fans from Thailand, Korea, China, Indonesia, and Singapore. Someone mentioned America and everyone stared at him, considering the fact that SS2 is an Asian tour XD
They also played with a dancing Teletubby and a dancing Monkey XD At the end, when they were giving their thanks, Siwon emptied his water bottle on Zhou Mi's back, and Donghae (?) shot Henry with his water gun. MiMi and Henry were smiling throughout the whole concert ^^
Well, that's all for my fanaccount, as much as I could remember ^^" Sorry if the details are a little messed up. And if you plan on taking this out, PLEASE CREDIT PROPERLY!
Fanaccount by: eternalsnow @
keto'e blankon jawa timuran

reupload: dois@starjunior.wordpress

photo credit as tagged
Although the concert was supposed to start at 7pm (local time), it didn't until 8pm. And these evil people kept on teasing us with advertisements, making all the E.L.F.s in the stadium scream whenever the official promo clip came up, with the boys in it. 3.gif
I died instantly when they came out for A Man In Love, because Leeteuk appeared RIGHT IN FRONT of me~ Only one thing remained in my mind - he is fahsdkjhasgjdghasdhgsahd hot!! And then I turned around to see Sungmin and Heechul appearing as well <3 Ryeowook and Shindong were spotted with new hairdos (doesn't mean that they cut their hair though!) Me likey :D Of course, I couldn't make up my mind on who to watch, because the boys were all around me *___*
And oh - AMIL was full of fireworks~
U also started off with fireworks~ Could only see the boys through the projection screen confused.gif
It's You - Eunhyuk revealed his biceps (*insert fangirl screams here*) during the "Oh oh only 4 u" part. And dammit, they took off their jackets at the end 8DD
During She Wants It, Teukkie came out with a black umbrella. Needless to say, everyone screamed their heads off~~ Ryeowook was being incredibly sexy during the performance too ;) And Sungmin was also in an incredibly sexy pose. I died so hard~
Then came the intro session. Heechul was first, and the whole stadium was shouting "Milky White Skin Kim Heechul~ Saranghaeyo Kim Heechul~"... Siwon took up his shirt a little and revealed his chocolate abs 8D Kyuhyun was being... Kyuhyun XD And Yesung did a spazzy dance, I think. Was too busy taking photos of them :D Sungmin did some martial arts moves during his intro~ Eunhyuk took off his shirt~ Shindong was being incredibly cute *__* And Teukkie did his ssanti dance XD
Next up was Angela. EunSiHae in wife-beaters = WIN. And Siwon kissed Donghae on the cheek, while Eunhyuk was trying to separate them from behind XD .And then Siwon and Donghae suddenly stuffed their mics in Eunhyuk's face XD
I don't remember what song it was (most probably Miracle/Disco Drive), where someone held Leeteuk (and another boy's... I forgot, sorry! ;A;) by his feet, and Leeteuk walked across the stage using his hands XD
During Dancing Out, the boys gathered in the centre of the stage and sat there, and Eunhyuk started dancing a very weird (but cute!) butt dance~ They also gathered in front of the videocam and started singing to it, earning screams from all the fans around~ Heechul was seen whispering something to Siwon, then they strutted across the stage hand-in-hand. 3.gif EunHae were being abusive on stage, slapping each other and all. Donghae also pulled up Siwon's shirt + pulled his pants down, revealing his underwear (which is green with yellow stripes, if you must know!)
*will skip all the solos here + What If~ please refer to the photos!*
During Heartquake, I think there was a problem with Eunhyuk's platform, because it didn't come up during one of his rapping parts =/ And Kyu forgot some of his lines ^^"
At the start of Leeteuk's solo, he threw his fedora at the fans in Rock Pitt B. Needless to say, the fans screamed their heads off when he (seemingly) kissed the dancer at the end of the performance... (who wouldn't?) Everyone screamed when Henry appeared for Heechul's solo. And Heechul very VERY nearly gave Henry a kiss. *_* And oh, Heechul took off his jacket as well 3.gif
Most of us died again during the Super Attack VCR, especially since the boys were drenched in the rain. Henry was welcomed warmly by the fans during his violin solo bridge in Don't Don, and had a smile on his face ^^
During Our Love, Sungmin was taking photos of the members with his camera/phone. When Kyuhyun's part came up, Shindong pushed him aside and hijacked his part XD bbKyu was then seen hugging Siwon <3 Eunhyuk and Shindong were spazzing a lot on the stage, doing very random dances. And Teukkie joined the fans in chanting "Saranghaeyo Park Jungsoo", then laughed :P Oh yes, Eunhyuk(?) kept on bullying Yesung on the stage as well ^^" Yesung would be singing his line, then his head would suddenly turn to his left to glare at the culprit. :P
Story-telling time - Shindong came out crawling like a baby ^^ And there were a lot of very abusive scenes :D Ryeowook was seen dancing to Kara's Mister at the side, and some of the boys danced to Abracadabra as well. Heechul kicked Donghae, then acted as though he was shooting Shindong with a machine gun at the end D: We also got to watch Henry bb's solo! He was awesome 8D
During Who Am I, the other members joined Siwon on the stage at the end~ And the fans were screaming so loudly during SJM's performances, especially when it was Zhou Mi and Henry's turn to sing.
Shining Star~ We turned off our blue lightsticks and turned on the white torches instead. It really looked like stars in the sky - and I'm 100% sure Leeteuk cried during the performance. I loved their expressions at the start of the song, when the torches were turned on - O_O would describe it appropriately. Eunhyuk was spinning around in his chair, surveying the entire stadium.
During Rokkuko, Leeteuk lied on his stomach at the centre of the stage, and Sungmin joined him later. Eunhyuk then appeared and sat on top of the both of them, whom is then joined by Shindong. XD
And during Sapphire Blue/Carnival (I can't quite remember ^^") Wonder Boy, the boys came out with waterguns. My area was attacked by Siwon, Heechul, Yesung, Kyuhyun and Donghae. Kyuhyun and Donghae were whispering behind one of the security guards, and then attacked him with their water guns XD Out of the three times Kyuhyun walked past that area, he never failed to attack the poor guard. But of course, he apologised at the end :D evilmagnae!Kyu ftw~
Before the concert ended, Leeteuk (?) lead us in chanting "4jib DAEBAK", and also gave a shoutout to the fans from Thailand, Korea, China, Indonesia, and Singapore. Someone mentioned America and everyone stared at him, considering the fact that SS2 is an Asian tour XD
They also played with a dancing Teletubby and a dancing Monkey XD At the end, when they were giving their thanks, Siwon emptied his water bottle on Zhou Mi's back, and Donghae (?) shot Henry with his water gun. MiMi and Henry were smiling throughout the whole concert ^^
Well, that's all for my fanaccount, as much as I could remember ^^" Sorry if the details are a little messed up. And if you plan on taking this out, PLEASE CREDIT PROPERLY!
Fanaccount by: eternalsnow @
keto'e blankon jawa timuran
reupload: dois@starjunior.wordpress
photo credit as tagged
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