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-on H I A T U S-


Kibum Profile

Real Name: Kim Ki Bum
Nickname: Kibum, Snow White (given by Heechul)
Hometown: LA
Date of Birth: 21st August 1987
Height: 179 cm
Weight: 58 kg
Blood Type: A
Vocal: Bass
Instrument: Piano
Religion: Christian
Sibling: Kim Sae Hee (younger sister)
School: Santa Monica High School
Favorite Color: Sky Blue, other dark color
Training: 3 years
1.Talent agent found him when he was walking on the street and was recommended to SM audition
2. Has a high interest on acting
3. He doesn't talk too much and when people start to put attention to him and ask him something, the first thing he do is smile or laugh
4. Love to playing games online
5. Before he join SJ he was an actor 
* you can write down everything you know about Kibum on comment ^^


Nama Asli: Kim Ki Bum
Panggilan: Kibum, Putri Salju (diberi Heechul)
Tempat Tinggal: LA
Tanggal Lahir: 21 Agustus 1987
Tinggi: 179 cm
Berat: 58 kg
Golongan Darah: A
Vokal: Bass
Alat Musik: Piano
Agama: Kristen
Saudara: Kim Sae Hee (adik perempuan)
Sekolah: Santa Monica High School
Warna Fave: Biru Langit, warna gelap
Training: 3 tahun
1.Pencari bakat menemukannya saat sedang berjalan di jalanan di LA dan menawarkannya ikut casting SM
2. Sangat mencintai acting
3. Pendiam, ketika dia menjadi pusat perhatian orang lain kemudian bertanya sesuatu padanya, hal pertama yang bisa dilakukannya adalah senyum atau bahkan tertawa
4. Gamer
5.Sebelum bergabung dengan SJ dia debut sebagai aktor
* silahkan menambahkan apa yang kalian tahu tentang Kibum di comment ^^

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