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-on H I A T U S-


Sukira 140909

LT: You look tired. You are already sleeping in your room, right now.
EH: I’m disoriented. I arrived here at about 7 AM from my trip to France. I had to work all day. So, I’m awake for more than 24 hours now.
LT: You are half asleep.
EH: I have a lot of funny stories from my trip. I want to tell you guys about them right now, but I’ll tell them when I’m fully awake.
LT: Because you came back today, a lot of people tuned in to the show today thinking they were going to hear stories about his trip. However, thats miscalculation.
EH: The big story is that I came back safely and didnt get lost. I wandered around a lot.
LT: We are going to unveil the stories little by little. So, expect to hear about the stories.
EH: It wasn’t really a vacation. My feet hurt. I wandered around too much.


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