There are 2 rules should not be infringed ~ wkwkwkkw
1. do not mess with chul.
2. don 't mess with elf.
If you violate these 2 things, especially point to the 2 ~ result is: we must be willing to delete all online media account belongs to us as happened with this poor fans.
Actually she is not antis, she just wanted to give a statement to defend his idol, but unfortunately from all the hundreds of comments Heechul received, only her comments replied by @ heedictator.
1. do not mess with chul.
2. don 't mess with elf.
If you violate these 2 things, especially point to the 2 ~ result is: we must be willing to delete all online media account belongs to us as happened with this poor fans.
Actually she is not antis, she just wanted to give a statement to defend his idol, but unfortunately from all the hundreds of comments Heechul received, only her comments replied by @ heedictator.
And if you violate the first rule of "Do not mess with chul", be prepared to get sermons and lectures from A till Z from Heechul
Just a brief comment of Heechul on an interview "I have a problem in the company but have not disclosed widely to the public. Am I poor? it's not? talk about slave contract here and there, it was funny ..? What kind of slaves could buy a house for his parents, have a car? and can go on vacation and the streets? or out for a drink? "
Several Cassie seemed a little offended, and assume that this statement is for JYJ. Some bad comments hit Heechul, but maybe this one comment is the most impressive for Heechul "Maybe your brain has been washed away in the Han River? Or maybe have you sold in the market? You're slave only obey your master's order, is it what you said also from the orders of your master? Should you shut up! "
Heechul then replied "wow ... very bad grammar!" ELF who read it getting fired up and keep bashing her until finally she apologized "that's my business to tweet anything, but sorry if my words is too harsh to you and do not think about the consequences, Sorry Heechul, peace .. "
But the ELF seems not that easy to forgive the girl. Everybody leave bad comments until she had to delete her twitter account.
"Worried about the state, society and economy at the time. If you have time to read the internet discussion, or read a newspaper article .. What's the point of can read if you can not understand what you read .. You do not have a beginning and an end and that all is not logical.
I'm sure most of the country cares all about us.Yet, I do not know if they will see this post. They'll just say it's fun if they want to say it and say it's not if they feel it does not .. You all act like you are the spokesperson for the entire country.
Are you trying to do something nice for your parents? when you have time to bash someone better turn your room lights, open your eyes and think about your future. But I feel like a child if i put attention to people like you. If you want to say SHIT, go to the bathroom.
I can do good things for people, my parents and I'm grateful that I have something to be proud of .. Do I look like a slave? I'm sure all those who have plunged the community do not think so. I do not know whether you will see this or not, but I would like to thank all the people ^ - ^ "
Just a brief comment of Heechul on an interview "I have a problem in the company but have not disclosed widely to the public. Am I poor? it's not? talk about slave contract here and there, it was funny ..? What kind of slaves could buy a house for his parents, have a car? and can go on vacation and the streets? or out for a drink? "
Several Cassie seemed a little offended, and assume that this statement is for JYJ. Some bad comments hit Heechul, but maybe this one comment is the most impressive for Heechul "Maybe your brain has been washed away in the Han River? Or maybe have you sold in the market? You're slave only obey your master's order, is it what you said also from the orders of your master? Should you shut up! "
Heechul then replied "wow ... very bad grammar!" ELF who read it getting fired up and keep bashing her until finally she apologized "that's my business to tweet anything, but sorry if my words is too harsh to you and do not think about the consequences, Sorry Heechul, peace .. "
But the ELF seems not that easy to forgive the girl. Everybody leave bad comments until she had to delete her twitter account.
"Worried about the state, society and economy at the time. If you have time to read the internet discussion, or read a newspaper article .. What's the point of can read if you can not understand what you read .. You do not have a beginning and an end and that all is not logical.
I'm sure most of the country cares all about us.Yet, I do not know if they will see this post. They'll just say it's fun if they want to say it and say it's not if they feel it does not .. You all act like you are the spokesperson for the entire country.
Are you trying to do something nice for your parents? when you have time to bash someone better turn your room lights, open your eyes and think about your future. But I feel like a child if i put attention to people like you. If you want to say SHIT, go to the bathroom.
I can do good things for people, my parents and I'm grateful that I have something to be proud of .. Do I look like a slave? I'm sure all those who have plunged the community do not think so. I do not know whether you will see this or not, but I would like to thank all the people ^ - ^ "
Cuma ada 2 peraturanyang sebaiknya jangan dilanggar ~ wkwkwkkw
1. don’t mess with chul.
2.don’t mess with elf.
Kalau melanggar 2 hal ini,terutama point ke 2 ~sangsinya kita harus mau mendelete semua akun media online kepunyaan kita seperti yang terjadi dengan fans malang ini.
Sebenarnya dia bukan antis, dia hanya ingin memberi pernyataan membela idolanya yang terkesan dipojokan, tapi sialnya dari semua ratusan komentar yang masuk, Cuma komentar miliknya yang kebetulan ditanggapi oleh@heedictator. Dan bila melanggar aturan yang pertama“don’t mess with chul”,bersiaplah mendapat khotbah dan ceramah dari A sampe Z dari Heechul
Heechul Cuma berkomentar singkat disebuah interview ”aku memiliki masalah diperusahaan tapi gak harus diungkap luas ke public.Aku miskin ? rasanya tidak ? membicarakan soal kontrak budak disana sini rasanya lucu ..? Budak macam apa yang bisa beli rumah buat orang tuanya,punya mobil ? dan bisa pergi liburan dan jalan –jalan ? atau keluar minum– minum ?”
Beberap cassie rupanya sedikit tersinggung, dan berasumsi kalau ini ditukukan kepada anggota JYJ. Beberapa komentar pedas masuk ke mention Heechul, tetapi yang paling meninggalkan kesan hingga membuat Hee panas mungkin komentar yang satu ini“Mungkin otakmu sudah hanyut di sungai Han?? Atau mungkin sudah kau jual dipasar ? Kau budak yang hanya menuruti perintah majikan, apa statement tersebut juga kau ucapkan atas perintah majikanmu ?sebaiknya kau tutup mulut !”
Heechul membalas ocehannya singkat “wow…tata bahasamu buruk sekali !”ELF yang membacanya ikutan panas dan mencacimaki fans tersebut hingga akhirnya ia meminta maaf“ sebenarnya itu urusanku mau men=tweet apapun,tapi maaf bila omonganku terlalu kasar pada heechul dan tidak memikirkan konsekuensinya, Maaf Heechul, ayo kita damai..”
Tapi ELF kayaknya gak segampang itu memaafkan gadis ini.Mereka berentetan meninggalkan bashing hingga ia harus mendelete akun twitter miliknya.Belum lagi Khotbah panjang Heechul yang jujur agak sulit ditangkap kata – katanya tapi orang mengerti maksud yang ingin disampaikan ~wwkwkwk~
“Cemas tentang negara, masyarakat,dan ekonomi pada saat itu. Bila Kamu memiliki waktu untuk membaca bahasan internet, atau membaca artikel surat kabar .. Apa gunanya bisa membaca jika Kamu tidak dapat mengerti apa yang Kamu baca .. Kamu tidak memiliki awal dan akhir dan itu semua tidak logis.
Aku yakin sebagian besar negara peduli tentang kita semua.Bahkan, aku tidak tahu apakah mereka akan melihat posting ini.Mereka hanya mengatakan itu menyenangkan jika aku katakan itu dan mengatakan itu tidak jika aku katakan itu tidak .. Kamu bertindak semua seperti kamu adalah juru bicara bagi seluruh negeri.
Apakah Kamu mencoba melakukan sesuatu yang baik bagi orangtuamu ? saat Kamu punya waktu untuk bash seseorang lebih baik Hidupkan lampu kamarmu, buka mata dan pikirkan masa depanmu. Tapi aku merasa seperti anak kecil kalo harus meladeni orang –orang seperti kalian Jika Kamu ingin mengatakan SHIT,pergilah ke kamar mandi.
Aku bisa melakukan hal-hal baik untu korang tuaku dan aku bersyukur bahwa aku punya sesuatu yang bisa kubanggakan ..Apakah aku tampak seperti budak? Akuyakin semua orang yang sudah terjun dimasyarakat tidak berpikir begitu. Aku tidak tahu apakah Kamu akan melihat ini atau tidak, tapi aku akan berterima kasih kepada semua orang-orang ^ – ^ ““Biar aku bertanya kepada semua masyarakat. Apakah aku tampak seperti budak? Apakah aku tampak tidak bebas?Sebelum aku menjadi selebriti, aku seperti banyak orang di luar sana dan aku bekerja part time dan full time.Aku tidak tahu apakah itu karena aku sudah pernah terjun kemasayarakat tapi aku bersyukur atas apa yang yang ku dapat sekarang."
***Singkatnya itu yang ditangkap seperti ini. Rata– rata yang sering berkomentar keras A,B,C dll tentang slave contract ini merupakan para fans remaja yang mungkinbelum pernah terjun ke“realita masyarakat pada umumnya” so, ketika mendengar idola mereka diperlakukan “tidak adil”bla, bla, bla mereka tanpa pikir panjang langsung cuap –cuap tanpa awal dan akhir.Sebaliknya, mereka yang mungkin sudah bekerjadan merasakan betapa sulit dan beratnya mencari sesuap nasi, dll lebih mampu berpikir logis dan menganggap kondisi yang dialami para artistersebut, kontrak,pembagian hasil dl ladalah sesuatu yang“wajar” dan kerap terjadi atau mungkin pernah mereka alami.Dengan kata lain..” yang namanya kerja kaga adayang enak, ” tapi mereka termasuk bersyukur karena sedikit dari orang yang beruntung bisa bekerja sesuai “hatinurani” alias hobi.
Setidaknya untuk ukuran anak seumuran mereka,secara ekonomi mereka bisa dikategorikan “wah”gak semua orang bisa beli apartemen dan mobil diusia semuda itu. Banyak kondisi masyarakat yang sampai menikah pun rumah masih kontrak dan Cuma punya sepeda motor=___= seengaknya nasib mereka amat sangat jauh lebih baik dari nasib buruh kecil, yang kerja bisa sampai 12 jam, dengan upah minim terkadang tanpa hari libur, kalau artis kayak Heechul dibilang “slave” so, para buruh kecil itu disebutnya apa dung ?
Kurang lebih, kasarnya Heechul pingin bilang “Dunia kerja dan masyarakat itu keras dan mengerikan ~ kalau belum merasakan jangan ngomong sembarangan “~ wwkwkwkkwkw~
Credits: STAR NEWS |Chinese; 翻译:盼盼,制图:梅
English translations by:KyU Is L♥Ve @ SJ-WORLD.NET
Shared by: KyU Is L♥Ve@SJ-WORLD.NET
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