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Geng is back on Sohu TV

Sohu Dapeng says
The first thing I did when met Hangeng, is landing a warm hug. I know, right now he suffered a sensitive time given the contract claim was still not resolved. And we both appreciate each other to avoid the topic of "contract". We also commemorate the event four years ago when I interviewed him he was returning to China.

It was the same as today where he faced questions by himself. Although the situation is now very different, but he remains the same Han Geng, a hard worker and always trying to improve himself. While I? hahahaha ... I'm still a Sohu ^ __ ^ Dapeng. Meets with Hangeng, makes me firmly refused any assistance from a stylist. Because no matter how they tried to make me look handsome, when coupled with Hangeng
I still look "ugly" TT____TT so to interview him is really a difficult thing.

But when I saw him sitting across from me with confidence, I felt a warm feeling in my heart. It's greatest achievement so far.

interviews conducted in secret this time. Not only the fans who do not know, all staff members had just been told before the interview began. I just wanted to give Han Geng relaxed atmosphere during the interview. I myself do not know when this interview will be aired by Sohu.

Just a coincidence this week from Beijing, I received a call from a friend who asked me to guide the interview that is "important"

And that's right, the contents of our conversation revolved around about the current situation, how he spent New Year's with, what he did every day, what his individual plan for the future, also, what he wants to say to his fans over the years.

And seeing him still can smile happily and relaxed like that, we were very relieved and satisfied. Hangeng ... we hope and pray the best for you ...

Sohu Dapeng says 
Yang pertama kulakukan tatkala bertemu Hangeng, adalah mendaratkan sebuah pelukan hangat. Aku tahu, sekarang ini ia mengalamai masa yang sensitif mengingat kontrak gugatan itu masih belum diselesaikan. Dan kami berdua saling menghargai dengan menghindari topik “kontrak” itu. Kami juga mengenang kejadian empat tahun lalu ketika aku mewawancarainya sekembalinya ia ke Cina.

Saat itu sama seperti yang hari ini dimana dia menghadapi pertanyaan-pertanyaan seorang diri. Meskipun keadaan sekarang sangat berbeda, tetapi dia tetaplah Han Geng yang sama , seorang yang pekerja keras dan selalu berusaha memperbaiki diri. Sementara aku ? hahahaha…Aku masih seorang Sohu Dapeng ^__^ Bertemu dengan Hangeng, membuatku dengan tegas menolak bantuan apapun dari penata gaya. Karena tidak peduli bagaimana mereka berusaha membuatku terlihat tampan, bila bersanding dengan Hangeng

Aku tetap saja terlihat “jelek” TT____TT sehingga mewawancarainya benar-benar merupakan masalah yang sulit.

Tapi ketika aku melihatnya duduk di hadapanku dengan percaya diri, kurasakan perasaan yang hangat dalam hatiku. Ini pencapaian terbesarnya selama ini.

wawancara kali ini dilakukan secara rahasia. Bukan hanya penggemar yang tidak tahu, semua anggota staf sendiri baru diberi tahu sebelum wawancara mulai. Aku hanya ingin memberikan Geng Han suasana yang santai selama wawancara. Aku sendiri tidak tahu kapan wawancara ini akan disiarkan oleh Sohu.

Hanya sebuah kebetulan minggu ini dari Beijing, aku menerima telepon dari teman yang memintaku memandu wawancara yang “penting”

Dan Itu benar, isi percakapan kami kira-kira berkisar tentang situasi terkini, bagaimana ia menghabiskan Tahun Baru, apa yang dia lakukan setiap hari, apa rencana individu untuk masa depan, juga, apa yang ingin ia katakan kepada para fans-nya selama ini.

Dan melihatnya masih bisa tersenyum bahagia dan santai seperti itu, kami sangat lega dan puas. Hangeng…kami berharap dan mendoakan yang terbaik untukmu…

Geng answers

cr: reload by dois@starjunior.wordpress

Translator Note: My Mandarin isn't that great and sometimes it was hard to make out what they were saying.

Part I.
Part 1:

MC: *intros*

HG: Hello I am Han Geng! *greets everyone*

MC: what did you do in 2 months?

HG: Now during this time because of all the events going on I wanted rest, exercised, performance, and study english?

MC: English? Why did you want to learn english?

HG: I think english is very important so I want to improve ("deepen") my knowledge.

MC: But your english is pretty good!

HG: Nooo.

MC: (comment: couldn't make out) can understand

HG: By listening a lot .. (comment: couldn't make out)

MC: Ah so studied english and also, exercise?

HG: Yes.

MC: Show us your results.

HG: it's not so easy *makes motions*

They sorta talk about not having to take off clothes.

MC: Let me feel your biceps. *feels* Oh, this is real.

HG: It's real? Didn't "inject" with water. (Comment: What? lol)

Well, how did you pass your days?

HG: After waking up, I went to class (note: not sure what class). After class I ate a bit and at 1pm in the afternoon I start to exercise. After exercising I rest 1/2 hr to 1 hour then I went to English class.

MC: Oh, every day went like this?

HG: Yes, every day.

MC: So, these days every day was improving yourself, hoping to have a better attitude/mood.

HG: Yes, hopefully to have a new/improved Han Geng and attitude.

Part II.
Part 2:

MC: Speaking here, of course we have to talk about the obvious topic. Now Han Geng is sitting here and it's been a while since we last saw you. About the lawsuit, just say it however you want to say it. Right, what is the current circumstance?

HG: Right now... I am also waiting. All the things I have left/given to my lawyer. I am also waiting. Hopefully everyone can wait together with me for a conclusion. I will let everyone know first after a conclusion.

MC: Honestly this lawsuit can only have two outcomes, win or lose. What hopes/expectations do you have?

HG: Well I want to hope/expect a good outcome. But the rest of the items will have to see what my lawyer does.

MC: Well, let's just wait together for the outcome.

HG: Yes

MC: I believe it won't be too long from now right?

HG: yes...

MC: End of March?

HG: This.. I can't really say. We'll have to see how the lawsuit is.

Part III.
Part 3:

MC: So in the end let's say you win the lawsuit. And get out of the contract (literal: become a free person). What do you want to do?

HG: Well there's no definite what will happen. I will have to see what future opportunities there are. I really want to be a good performer so that's why right now I need to practice/study. Because my dream was always to become a good performer/actor..

MC: Really?

HG: Of course! I always wanted to be an actor.

MC: Aiya, same as me. *both laugh* You hurry up and be a performer, I want to be a singer.

HG: If you're a singer then I'll be a ______.

MC: Ah so you want to be a performer.

HG: Right. So that's why in regards to be a performer I want to study more. So in the future there can be more better opportunities. About the singing portion, because on the stage - because normally since 13 I started learning dance on the stage little by little I don't want to throw [this knowledge] away. I still want to continue being on a stage.

MC: Well then let's wish HG's dream to come true. One person's strength can be limiting perhaps behind you you'll need a group to help support you. If you manage to gain your freedom, would you find a new managing group? or a new [performance] group? Or will you start your own company? Have you thought about these aspects?

HG: Right now, I still don't have these plans. But if I do have an opportunity like this I would like to work with a very good/excellent company going in the same direction. Therefore if we'll match each other and it'll be good both for the company and me. Hopefully there will be a good company I can work with.

Part IV.
Part 4:
In part 4, they talk about some sort of tv competition which targets contestants from a special Arts School. He talks about the competitors having some sort of advantage because they have already received training. They talk about a group called M.I.C that is currently competing, and Hangeng talks about how the members all have their own unique qualities and that he hopes that the path they're on will get better and better.

Part V.
Part 5:
In the 5th part, the host asks him hypothetically if he's in a new company and the company already has a well-known group, would Hangeng consider joining the group? Hangeng says something about liking to work with different types of people, and that he can learn a lot from others. The host asks Hangeng if he feels lonely talking to the host by himself, Hangeng says he does miss them, and he says that no matter if it's him or his friends, he hopes their lives will get better and better. The host asks him if he is prepared to face the world by himself, and Hangeng replies that he will try hard. Hangeng thanks everyone for watching him, and not giving up on him. Hangeng also says he will work hard to create the best product for everyone, and that he hopes that everyone will move forward with him.

Credits: epoxide @ omonatheydidnt for the transcripts & rainydayphotos @ omonatheydidnt for summaries; TheTwelfs @ youtube for videos

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