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-on H I A T U S-


unbreakable couple

HEE-KYUNG ~ Heenim dan Hankyung ~ Please Call It Heekyung

>0< fu..fu.fu…It's been a long time since the last time Heechul write about Hangeng on his CY ^__^

"I went to China for a concert there...Even though it's like this...just seldom

But every time i go to China, i feel that i am so famous problem, is it normal? but i'm afraid it will be beyond my will

I'am asking to Hankyungie

Me : Yah, Jin Xi Che ~ that's my Chinese name right ? please tell me why i am so popular here;;

Kyung: It's because of you're a crazy person

Me: (- ┏)

I'm asking the Manager Hyung

Me : Hyung, why am i like this? Ah, this feeling is incredible

Hyung: it's because your style is different with others , you're much crazier the the others

Me: Oh ~ So do i have to keep my hair to grow until my waist ?

Hyung: Hankyungie always talks about you in China

Me: That b*st*rd ? .. he still said that i'm the one who told him bad words ?

Hyung: Hankyungie always tell that you helped him a lot when he's in trouble while at Korea and how you two get close ~ people asked why you don't come to China

Me : Ah, finally that kid can say sweet words though it's a bit weird

Hyung: Your fans really scary, they really loves you?

Me: My fans is indeed like that, i want to be more popular among more people.

Should i stop and going back crazy, i feel more comfortable like that

Hyung: ㅎ ㅎ

Me : Why in all my banners written Princess? There's also many picture of me were edited to a girl ?

Hyung: It's because;; Hankyung is China’s Prince? That's why you are called Princess ^-^;;

Me: So, should i shave my
armp*t h*ir then come back again ??

Then, while drinking with Hankyungie, I talk to him

Me : Hei.., Thank you

Kyung: For what ?

Me: Because you talk about me much while you are in China~

Because of you, i am popular there even though i don't go to China often ,(fu..fu.u..that words is really awkward)

Kyung: Shut up ! finish your drink !**

Me : ^ – ^ (This kid is really…) Heartwarming Friend (-┏)

credit : Yurid00 ~, Heenim CY ^__^

reload: dois @starjunior.wordpress

@ SuSHow Nanjing

the same way to hold the mic

whooaaa...the bride is so pretty

bow...after wedding ceremony

@GDA 2009

@ MV Sorry Sorry Answer
alwaa~~~ys together...

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