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Malay EPOP (October 2009 Issue) Interview

All members except for KiBum
LeeTeuk (LT); RyeoWook (RW); ShinDong (SD); KangIn (KI); HanGeng (HG);
SungMin (SM); SiWon (SW); KyuHyun (KH); DongHae (DH); YeSung (YS);
EunHyuk (EH); HeeChul (HC); EPOP (EP); Everyone (EV)


Hello, and there they are… Super Junior! These 13 princes possess a strong group of ELF (Everlasting Friends)

who always support them. Their support has made Super Junior bravely accepting every challenge and wanting
to show everyone their talents! What’s more, their song has become popular throughout the whole of Asia, fantastic!
Currently, they are busy with their concert, ! Even though they are busy, we still have to ‘catch’ them in order to know
about their latest situation! They who love to make noise and are straightforward will surely with bring about the
most interesting message! What are those? Come on, let’s take a look!

EP: Other than the concerts in Korea, you are also having the Asia Tour and recently the in Hong Kong.

Are you feeling tired?
LT: Truthfully, everything is still OK! Everyone is practicing really hard,
cause we want to portray a much more mature aspect. If you had the chance to
attend the concert in Korea, RyeoWook showed not only a sexy but MAN aspect! Ha ha….
RW: (smiles shyly) Actually, I wanted to perform a sentimental song
but they said to try something new so I did!
SD: To be honest, we said no such thing, RyeoWook himself wanted
to do so! Ha ha ha…
KI: Even if we had not said it, he himself would still have done it!

EP: is so popular that almost the whole of Asia knows about it. How do you feel regarding this?

LT: Of course, we are very happy. So… this is our most famous song.
Ha ha~
HG: Very happy! Even so, hope you guys will still support us when our
fourth album releases!

EP: Do you feel that you have become famous now?

SM: The meaning of famous is different for each person. Frankly, we feel
that we still just OK. When someone thought of something, you will think that he is
really handsome! But when he does another thing, you will think that he is very cool!
This just shows that everyone has their own standards.

EP: What are your opinions about the changes in the third album?

SW: (still thinking) ……
HG: We are the COOLest guys! Ha ha…
RW: Compared to the second album before this, we have really put in a lot
of effort and planned really long for this album. I feel really happy because everyone can
sing Korean songs. This is because the rhythm for is really simple and the dance steps
are easy to learn! Ha ha…

EP: The promotional activities this time are rather frequent, right?

KI: Ermmm… yea, cause of that, our friendship has gotten a lot better.
And because we are always together, the togetherness is also becoming more in sync
and perfect.

EP: Besides being hectic with the concert, the members have also recently gone for a commercial photoshoot in

Thailand. Was there anything interesting?
KH: Ha ha~ I remember during that commercial, there were some female
artists who taught us Yoga. It was quite difficult but we were able to do it in the end. But
during the photoshoot, we had to pretend as if we did not know how, that photo was
really hilarious!

EP: If you are asked to pick, who is the most popular?

DH: LeeTeuk hyung, his communication skills are really good!
SW: I agree!
YS: Even though I might not be the perfect member, in some aspects,
I think that I am quite popular as well~ Ha ha, nevertheless I will work hard for the
best performance.

EP: (to LT) Do you think that you are a good leader?

LT: Ha ha… me? Just average. In my opinion, as a leader, one should
not be too outstanding or too weak. So let it be just average! Ha ha…

EP: You have a really close friendship, would you be willing to attend a promotional activity by yourself?

SW: Please… no~ I still remember when I attended the photoshoot for the film
alone, I could not fit in at all. At that time, I wished I had other members with me as well.
EH: Me too. If I attend an entertainment program alone, I don’t think there will be
any conversation topics. If there are other members by my side, the atmosphere would
definitely be more cheerful.
YS: I attended a TV program alone before, and I panicked. I remember at that time,
I did not talk a lot. If there were other members, I would have felt more comfortable.

EP: In many entertainment programs, HanGeng does not really talk a lot. Is it because he does not really

understand Korean?
HG: Ah…..
HC: (interrupts HG) Even though his conversational skills are not that
fluent, but he knows where the gag point is and his response to it is really fast.
BUT if you ask him to do some stuffs, he will pretend not to understand Korean! He he…

EP: Who is the naughtiest?

LT: Most people would think it is HeeChul, but besides him, RyeoWook
also likes to play pranks as well.
EH: I agree. There was once when RyeoWook put something in my hand late at
night. At that time, I thought it was HeeChul hyung’s cat. But I got a shock when I
saw it. Did you know that thing did look like a cat!
RW: Ha ha… that is actually just a toy!
LT: But it was really scary!
EH: There’s more, when my parents came to visit, RyeoWook told others
I brought my girlfriend home! Meanie….
RW: ha ha…. (laughs hysterically)

EP: Is it true everyone thinks that RyeoWook is the one who knows how to take care of others the best?

RW: That is only LeeTeuk hyung’s opinion.
LT: That is a fact! Sometimes, he is like our mother, once when EunHyuk and
I went home late and it was him who cooked for us. He kept asking if we were hungry.
Oh and his best dish is friend sausage with vegetables. Yummy~
HC: In fact, HenGeng can cook as well. For example, his Beijing fried rice is really delicious!

EP: What does HeeChul hates the most?

HC: Hate? Hospital!! I still remember the time when I had to go to the hospital
for a TV recording and at that time I didn’t want to go. Because I feel that if a healthy body
goes to a hospital, it will turn sick as well! Besides that, I am also afraid of injections, never
even tried vaccination by injection before!

EP: Can you reveal any secret about any of the members?

LT: KangIn really likes to dig our ears!
KI: Who says so?
EH: He really likes it and bans us from digging our own ears!
KI: It’s for your own good!
EV: ha ha…

EP: Is SiWon a gentleman be it on TV or in real life?

SW: Haha…. Em…. Actually I want to become a perfect person. Besides
working hard with my career, I also want to be a good son, father and husband! In
my family, I want to achieve the full marks. Even though in the future when I am old,
I would still want to show my perfect side. That is my mission!

Source: Malay EPOP Oct 2009 Issue

Translation (Malay > English): Kyrill @
reupload: nic @crunchyroll

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